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When a woman begins to sense that something isn’t quite right in her relationship, she often questions, “Does he genuinely care for me or is he taking advantage of me?” Through my extensive experience as a professional matchmaker, I’ve drawn conclusions based on observations, personal insights, and feedback from men. These insights, shaped into statistics, shed light on common relationship dynamics.

Below, I will present examples of different life situations where there is a high likelihood of discerning when a guy is taking advantage of lady and lacks serious intentions towards her.

6 Warning Signs a Woman is Being Taken Advantage of in Relationships

In the earlier article, we explored the fundamental 7 Signs He’s Ready for a Committed Relationship.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the most prominent signals that a man might unconsciously or intentionally project to a woman, indicating a lack of commitment to long-term relationships or marriage. What behaviors suggest that a man might be using a woman rather than genuinely loving her?


A significant indicator is a man’s lack of interest in spending leisure time with the woman. He frequently opts to engage in other activities, citing obligatory meetings or commitments as reasons. Disregarding her requests to spend time together underscores a lack of regard for her feelings and prioritizes his own comfort over valuing the relationship.

For instance, a man might consistently claim unavoidable work-related obligations or family gatherings as reasons for not being available on weekends, ignoring the woman’s desire to spend time together.

A significant indicator is a man takes advantage of her

Concealment of the Relationship

Another red flag is a reluctance to introduce the woman to significant people in his life. If introduced, the man might display reserved behavior, lacking warmth or affection, indicating a lack of seriousness in the relationship. A real-life example could be a man avoiding introducing the woman to his friends or displaying distant behavior when she’s around his colleagues.

Hurtful Remarks

When resolving conflicts, a man resorting to hurtful or offensive comments about the woman or her family reveals a lack of respect and empathy. Criticizing her appearance or character signifies a disregard for her value in the relationship.

An example might be a man making derogatory comments about the woman’s appearance during an argument, undermining her self-worth. This is a very obvious sign that a guy is taking advantage.

man resorting to hurtful or offensive comments about the woman

Frequent “Disappearances”

Unexplained disappearances or unreachable periods signal a lack of consideration for the woman’s time and commitments. The man’s sporadic communication or insistence on meetings based solely on his schedule indicates a disregard for her needs.

For instance, a man might vanish for days without prior notice, contacting the woman only when it suits his convenience.

Sign if a Woman is Being Taken Advantage

Lack of Engagement

Disinterest in the woman’s life, work, or well-being demonstrates a lack of investment in the relationship’s future. The man’s detachment from her concerns reflects his unwillingness to plan a future together. For instance, a man might show no interest in the woman’s work or personal issues, demonstrating a lack of concern for her well-being.

Gain insights into the nuances of emphasizing shared interests and mutual concern for each other’s well-being by considering a read of the article: Beyond Borders: Building a Fairy Tale Family with a Chinese Husband.

Lack of Initiative

Postponing or avoiding in-person meetings, especially in long-distance scenarios, reflects a lack of interest in taking the relationship to the next level. If a man consistently delays or avoids visits without setting concrete plans, it signifies a reluctance to progress the relationship. For example, a man might continuously postpone visiting or fail to commit to a future meeting.

Lack of Initiative is a sign for woman that she is being used in relationships

Recognizing these behavioral patterns in a man’s actions can be painful, but they often strongly suggest a lack of genuine interest in building a serious, committed relationship with a woman.

Uncover the key aspects of men’s psychology by delving into another enlightening article: Qualities That Men Seek in a Woman: A Matchmaker’s Perspective.

For a deeper exploration of relationship dynamics and the qualities that differentiate a smart vs. wise woman, consider reading our article: Smart vs. Wise Woman.

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  1. 1

    A very useful article on ‘Relationships’ for women who want to be with a man they are dating, to know whether they are being used or not.

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